Hypoallergenic Eyelash Extension Glue - True Savior For Sensitive Clients

Hypoallergenic Eyelash Extension Glue - True Savior For Sensitive Clients


Who doesn’t want long, fluffy, and volumized lashes? Everyone does! The fact that not all of us are blessed with those isn’t such a big issue now because lash extensions have made it possible for almost everyone to get the jaw-dropping eyelashes. “Almost everyone”?

Yup. Unfortunately, life isn’t all flowers and rainbows and some people can’t get the extensions because they are sensitive towards one of the most important parts of lash extensions – glue. It includes a lot of harsh ingredients that are necessary to ensure a strong bond. So if a person has a sensitivity towards lash extension glue does it mean that they can’t get their dream lashes? Absolutely not! In this article, LivBay Lash tells you about hypoallergic eyelash extension glue - a true lifesaver for sensitive clients. 

What Ingredients Cause Allergies?

So what’s wrong with lash glue? It is a medical-grade adhesive that’s supposed to keep lash extensions attached for 6 weeks so it should not be a surprise when we tell you that it contains some harsh chemicals. Let us break down some of the ingredients that are the most common allergens that are included in the lash glue. 

  • Latex - Many things around us are made using latex, including clothing, pieces of furniture, accessories, etc. So if your client has a latex allergy, she most likely already knows about it and will tell you prior. However, they might not be aware of the fact that lash adhesive contains latex. So make sure you ask them about it during the consultation.

Latex allows lash glue to be more elastic but most importantly, it provides adhesive to have more long-lasting bonds. So how irreplaceable is latex? Not so much. Latex-free adhesives are widely available on the market. They do have some drawbacks, such as shorter retention time, however, they make it possible for people with latex allergies to get their dream lashes going. 

  • Carbon Black - Even though there are colored lash extensions that allow you to have lashes of any shade, black and dark brown ones are still the most popular. So it’s better to use the glue that fades into them seamlessly. Manufacturers use carbon-black as a pigment to make lash glue black. Some people may be sensitive to this pigment, therefore, if they want to get lash extensions, their beautician should use carbon-black-free option.
  • The best option is the clear glue that is colorless and blends into dark lashes almost as seamlessly as the black one. Although it isn’t as long-lasting, clear glue still does a good job.

    Cyanoacrylate - Less than 1% of the world population has cyanoacrylate allergies but it’s still considered as one of the most common allergens for sensitive clients. This substance is found in every single lash glue there is so if a person has cyanoacrylate allergy, she won’t be able to enjoy the beauty of lash extensions. However, science is coming up with new things every single day so let’s cross our fingers and hope that a safer solution will become available soon. 

    How To Choose The Best Hypoallergenic Eyelash Extension Glue?

    Hypoallergenic eyelash extension glue is the one that produces lower fumes and contains relatively safer ingredients than usual lash adhesive. There was a time when sensitive glue was super hard to find and if you were lucky enough to come across one, you’d have to pay tons of money for it. Fortunately, those days are gone and hypoallergenic eyelash extension glue is always sold next to the usual ones. However, it creates another problem: how do you choose the right option from the wide selection of sensitive adhesives? Let us give you a bit of guidance that’ll make your life easier.

    Proper Research 

    When it comes to choosing a proper hypoallergenic eyelash glue, you can’t pick the first product you come across the internet. After all, you are applying the adhesive super close to your client's eyes so you need to make sure that it is the best one that doesn’t cause any harm. So you got to do proper research in order to purchase the best option out there. Of course, you can’t depend on internet search results solely because no matter how much you scroll, most of the search results will be well thought out advertisements. If you want to find authentic information about the product, go for reviews. A company can lie about the quality but customers never will. So think about the review section as your best friend when you’re looking for the best lash glue. 


    No matter which direction you go with - don’t let the price fool you. High price doesn’t indicate high quality and sticking with the low budget is not the best idea either. It’s better to do a bit of research to have an idea about the general prices of hypoallergenic eyelash extension glue. Once you do that, think about your budget - how much are you willing to pay for a lash glue? Answer this question and then you’ll be able to narrow down your search even more. 

    Ask Questions 

    It is important to know what ingredients are in the product before you make a purchase. So if the retailer doesn’t provide the list of chemicals used on their website or packaging, do not hesitate to request the list of ingredients and MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet). A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is a document that contains information on the potential hazards (health, fire, reactivity, and environmental) and how to work safely with the chemical product. Once you get all the information you need and see that everything check’s out, you can click “buy” confidently. 

    How To Avoid Irritation & Allergic Reactions?

    Allergic reactions are lash artists’ worst nightmares but they are also part of our job so we need to know how to avoid it or manage the situation if it happens under our tweezers. Here are a few tips that’ll help you prevent irritation and allergies that are related to lash glue:

    Talk To Your Client 

    After all, everything boils down to the proper communication! Consultation prior to starting a lash extension service is the key to performing it successfully. Ask whether they have a history of allergic reactions towards carbon-black, latex, and cyanoacrylates. You’ll be able to choose the best lash glue for the service according to their answers. If your client is generally sensitive towards harsh chemicals, we’d recommend you to have our favorite clear glue handy, which is both carbon-black and latex-free, plus it creates low fumes that lower chances of itching.

    Have a Mister Handy 

    Nano mister is a true gamechanger in our industry! Haven’t heard about it? Nano mister is a handy little tool that is used to spray a controlled amount of distilled water. It helps soothe irritation and helps the adhesive to cure much faster than it usually does. 

    Control Shelf-Life 

    Every single lash glue, regular or hypoallergenic one has a certain shelf life that can range anywhere from 3 to 6 months (if the glue has never been open). Once you open it, you have only one month to use it. After the glue passes its expiration date, you should stop using it immediately. It is not always easy to remember how long it’s been since opening a certain bottle of glue. So we recommend you to make a habit of checking the date before every single lash service. 

    Hypoallergenic Eyelash Extension Glue - Final Words 

    So having sensitive clients is not such a headache once you find your favorite hypoallergenic eyelash extension glue! Looking for a wide selection of quality products? Check out LivBay Lash artist’s favorite picks here!

    We wish you safe lashing!

    LivBay Lash Has So Much More To Share With You


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    Looking for a cyanoacrylate, formaldehyde free glue. Not sure which ingredient is causing the allergy. Would love to find a glue that doesn’t cause respiratory issues. Thank you!

    LaToma Payne

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